2nd round Council of States elections 2023
13. Values (0/7)

1. What is your position the following statement: "Someone who is not guilty, has nothing to fear from state security measures."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

2. What is your position the following statement: "In the long term, everyone benefits from a free market economy in the long term."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

3. What is your position the following statement: "It is necessary for the State to balance out differences in income and wealth through redistribution".

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

4. What is your position the following statement: "It is best for a child, when one parent stays home full-time for childcare."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

5. What is your position the following statement: "The ongoing digitalization offers significantly more opportunities than risks."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

6. What is your position the following statement: "Punishing criminals is more important than reintegrating them into society."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree

7. What is your position the following statement: "Stronger environmental protection is necessary, even if its application limits economic growth."

Completely disagreeCompletely agree